Fern’s School of Craft

Artist’s Residency

Location: Fern’s School of Craft (Edmonton)

Collaborators: Fern Facette

Year: 2022

An opportunity to learn a new craft paid off! This residency included lesson’s from Fern on tufting and textile arts. She supplied all of the materials and a space for me to practice, learn, and explore. She’s an amazing teacher, I learned so much and fell in love with a new medium. Thank you, Fern! 

Find out more about Fern School of Craft.

Belle at Spiral Jetty

Size: 18"x32”

Location: With Belle

Year: 2022

A handmade wool rug for Belle the dog, inspired by her favourite place, Spiral Jetty.

Game of Shrooms

Size: (various)

Location: Finders Keepers! Each piece is kept by whoever found it. 

Year: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

Game of Shrooms is a fun game of hide-and-seek created by the artist Attaboy. Artists all over the world create mushroom inspired art pieces and hide them around their city. Each artist posts a clue (usually on their instagram stories) to the location of each piece they made, and whoever finds the piece gets to keep it. If noone finds a piece, each artist goes back and reclaims them within 24 hours. It’s a great way to make art accessible and encourage people to explore their city! 

